March 6, 2025
My Grandmother Lived to Almost 100 Because She Baked Healthy Lentil Bread Without Sugar or Flour

My Grandmother Lived to Almost 100 Because She Baked Healthy Lentil Bread Without Sugar or Flour

My Grandma Lived to Be Almost 100 Years Old Because She Baked Healthy Lentil Bread Without Sugar or Flour

Hello, friends! Today we are preparing a unique recipe for lentil bread that combines health benefits and incredible taste. This bread is sugar-free and has no regular flour, which means it is an ideal choice for health! 💪

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Calorie content of the recipe:
Lentil bread (for 8 servings):

Total calories: 800 kcal.
Calorie content per serving: 100 kcal.
Spread (for 4 servings):

Total calories: 360 kcal.
Calorie content per serving: 90 kcal.
Tea (for 4 servings):

Total calories: ~30 kcal.
Calorie content per serving: ~7 kcal.
Benefits of ingredients:
Red lentils: A source of plant protein and fiber, supports intestinal health and blood sugar levels. Rich in iron and folate, which is good for the heart and energy metabolism.
Olive oil: Contains monounsaturated fats and antioxidants that protect blood vessels and the heart.
Green buckwheat flour: A gluten-free source of B vitamins and magnesium, supports the nervous system.
Psyllium: Improves digestion, helping to maintain healthy intestinal microflora.
Sesame: Rich in calcium and zinc, strengthens bones and immunity.
Avocado: Healthy fats support skin and heart health, and also saturate for a long time.
Dill: Contains vitamin C, improves digestion and has antibacterial properties.
Lemon: A source of vitamin C, helps strengthen the immune system.
Blueberries and cherries: Powerful antioxidants, protect cells from aging and strengthen vision.
Try this recipe, it’s not only healthy, but also incredibly delicious! 🍞🥑 Write in the comments how it turned out for you, and don’t forget to like the recipe if you liked it! 👍

Recipe and ingredients:
1 cup 230 g red lentils.
pour water and leave for 4 hours.
100 ml water.
20 ml olive oil.
2 tablespoons green buckwheat flour.
2 tablespoons psyllium.
a little salt.
a little coriander.
a little dried tomatoes.
1 teaspoon baking powder.
a little vegetable oil.
a little more vegetable oil.

boil 2 eggs.
a little lemon juice.
black pepper.

1 teaspoon black tea.
pour boiling water over.

Cook with love and be healthy! 💚


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  • Bündnis C — Bündnis C —Bündnis C

    Eine christliche Partei. –

  • olá boa tarde amada sou a euripa divina do brasil tudo bom tenho feito suas receitas são maravilhosa ❤😮

  • Fisilyum nedir Türkçe açıklamalı yazarmisiniz lütfen

  • Okay so how did you bake the bread, like temperature & time? And how about more than 1 song!

  • Vou fazer o pão juntamente c o chá parece delicioso

  • Lindo..vou fazer..obgda ..🇧🇷

  • watching from India

  • It's a modern recipe not an old grandmothers recpie

  • Olá! Ficou lindo! Brasil

  • Try scooping the avocado out of its skin

  • A musica e super obrigada

  • Buenísimo!!

  • This video could have been cut down to 3mins – do so & many more people will watch it

  • Авокадо проще и быстрее достать ложкой, но за рецепт спасибо.

  • ❤❤❤

  • Sieht sowas von lecker aus 😂, Danke für dein tolles Video ❣️ LG Ulrike

  • Thank you but too slow and the singing is too much présent and répètent.

  • From Australia, I love your recipes and I dont mind background music, but the singing is really really really annoying, so that will lower the rating to 5 out 10. Look foward to watching more without the singing 🇦🇺👍

  • Dziękuję za ciekawych przepis, dziś to zrobię 😘🙂

  • Spuneti cantitatile

  • Nunca he visto pelar un aguacate con un pelador. Noooo eso no se hace

  • Amo suas receitas❤

  • Rio de Janeiro BRASIL

  • My friend- please add instructions it would help many of us to successfully bake this bread. thank you 🙏

  • Very nice. Looks yummy thanks to your grandmother we can eat healthy bread and live long and healthy. Thanks so much for sharing

  • Dubai❤❤

  • Coucou comment s'appelle la chanson ? Quelle est le titre

  • À la place de la levure chimique j’aimerais mieux le bicarbonate de soude 🤗

  • Só estragou foi farinha de trigo
    Resto otimo

  • Is there a recipe below?

  • Kosova’dan selamlar

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