#temiblogtv #weightloss #detox #greensmoothie
Thanks so much for watching this video, I really hope you enjoyed it – and I hope that you found it helpful!
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DISCLAIMER – Please note that you should be in a healthy state before you decide to follow a new way of eating, or a calorie restricted diet. It’s always advised that you talk to your GP, doctor or health care professional to see if a new way of eating is suitable for your personal health needs and goals. Please take special note that every women, and every person, will have different daily calorie needs for weight-loss – based on their natural body type and build, current weight, height, daily activity level and health goals. This is not a “one size fits all” way of eating. This video and this recipe is only shown as meal inspiration for a healthier lifestyle – this recipe should be incorporated into a healthy and balanced diet/ lifestyle
Well done mum💕💕
Thank you Temi what a nice video
And I learnt a lot on it
Well done girl
Thanks Temi,
This looks absolutely delicious!
Will have to get myself a blender and get on this.
Looking forward to your future posts!
Thanks again.
Guidance and blessings 😄👍