March 7, 2025
The BEST smoothie to lower blood pressure

The BEST smoothie to lower blood pressure

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  • That would. Be nice yet almond milk has no Almond in it. Artificial flavors

  • Coconut milk or Coconut Water healthier to add to your Smoothies. Oh if you only knew what Coconut oil good for? Ever heard of Oil pulling? Look for it on YouTube Coconut oil known as Oil pulling cures Cavities. Gargle twice daily with Coconut oil. Did you know Coconut oil is good as a Lotion no chemicals in it. Not like Man Made lotion . Put some on your hair 30 minutes before Shower. Look and feel the Different it makes your hair. And Coconut is made by Nature not man with chemicals in it. And Coconut oil is a good healthy fat.

  • My Kidney Story 🥵 (and two sneaky "health food" toxins that caught me by surprise):

    Three of the foods listed are okay in moderation, as they have too high of natural oxylate* levels for kidneys (oxalic acid is a natural built-in plant pesticide meant to protect some plants from pests as they grow): •almonds, •avocados, and •spinach. •Beet greens, many •nuts, the herb •Oxalis, and •other foods contain them, too.

    One at a time in moderation is okay for most people, but combining many oxalic acid plant foods all at once into one meal can put anyone's kidneys at risk, especially if they have any other habits that can insult kidneys, like excess carbs, too much protein at once, refined junk salt instead of whole salt, OTC medications and RX's that can damage kidneys as a side effect.

    Imy case, add a disease that scarred my kidneys systemically, Cat Scratch Disease four years ago, yet I had no symptoms until I increased black pepper and spinach, almonds, peanuts, avocados, and pistachios.

    I am a health-conscious person and I enjoy studying health approaches, but I never guessed that these foods would put my kidneys at risk, yet, here I am, five months into this ordeal, and my kidneys don't seems to want to let go of these toxins in my system.

    Unfortunately, before I knew this about oxylate-laden "health" foods, I was passionately enjoying •black pepper-soaked pistachios from TJMAX, thinking I was doing a good thing, especially because someone out there is pushing adding black pepper to many supplements to supposedly help the other ingredients reach a higher absorption rate.

    But low and behold, black pepper contains too high amount of a toxin called "solanine", the same natural chemical toxin that is in green potatoes and their toxic potato vines.

    Together, it turns out I damaged my kidneys by eating "healthy" foods when my kidneys were already at risk due do a Cat Scratch Disease insult four years ago, however, I didn't know it had caused this diminished function in my left kidney until five months ago when I couldn't handle these plant foods I was snacking on during this recent winter.

    For some reason, not I can't handle much potassium, now, either, not sure why, but magnesium doesn't seem to be a problem.

    I do have more trouble in my left kidney than the right, which has this Cat Scratch Disease damage, causing internal scar tissue throughout my entire left side, so this may be a major contributor.

    However, I had never had kidney pain or persistent swelling (this left side only) until I added the black pepper pistachios to my high oxalic acid-foods habit diet–I just love avocados, almonds, nuts, spinach…you know what I mean. And I love a lot of black pepper on certain foods, too.

    By the time I had gotten through three small bags of black pepper soaked pustachios in about 3 weeks, kidney pain and swelling started, causing lower back pain, and making it so I couldn't stand up for longer that about 10 minutes. Fluid-releasing medications, lemon, magnesium citrate and ACV are not realky budging the retension much, which is a new feeling for me.

    I have never experienced stubborn, systemic swelling before, with an especially large amount my calves or feet, esceot for during pregnancy long ago, and it never felt like this does in my left side.

    Because of scar tissue damage systemically, it's like the water wants to fit in my feet, but the lymphatic vessels won't expand, so it feels like my entire calf and left foot is wrapped in masking tape as I try to twirl it around, or massage it, or walk on it. The right leg feels like it has normal tissue flexibility.

    I am wondering if anyone else has had this sensation who has suffered Cat Scratch Disease, from which I nearly died, and if they, too, are finding that this internal scar tissue also affects any kidney issues. I feel so alone in this issue.

    I really need an answer for detoxing this stubborn oxylate and solanine.

    I am trying oyster mushroom because the government has used that in wood chip gunny sacks bordering farms on yhe edge of hills for rain to run through, causing toxic farm runnoff to be "digested" by the this mycelium.

    The rain the runs out the other side clear, with no sign of the toxins in their testing, leaving the waterways below it at the bottom of the hill to remain uncontaminated, and this was reported in an amazing episode called "Fungus" in the series, Modern Miracles, which I recorded years ago in the early 2000's, and of which, every detail in that show, I never forgot.

    This mushroom is also used in military "wag bags" for digesting human waste faster and cleaner.

    In addition, this episode also reported government documention of using this mycelium for biodegrading an entire oil spill on the ocean successfully, by using an overhead spraying application, with no damage to the ocean environment or wildlife. I have obtained oyster mushrooms both fresh and freeze-dried to try this as an approach to breaking down these toxins in my system, as well as adding stem cell precursors to my diet.

    I hope this helps someone else find balance, caution and moderation, even with healthy foods, for as we all know, even excess water can be fatally toxic when partaken in excess due to stripping electric neurotransmitting minerals from the system, stopping the heart and nerves from their electrical nutrition support.

    Be well, my friends, and sorry this is long. It could fill a whole brochure, but I could seriously write an entire book about this an more, especially about the stem cell precursors (the eight essential glyconutrients which MIT calls "the misding food group", and for good reason!). – Marianne (coy'db4pstMHTS'24)

  • Thank you. What do you have for Diabetes please?🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • I wouldn’t you the spinach because of the oxalates , or the almond milk either .

  • Thank you! 🙏🏼

  • Thx but remember spinach is high in oxalates😮🎉

  • Thank you❤

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