It’s so delicious! Simple and Tasty breakfast in minutes! Easy Sweet Potato Recipes
It’s so delicious! Simple and Tasty breakfast in minutes! Easy Sweet Potato Recipes! Cooking Kun
Welcome to Cooking Kun channel!
Today I introduce to you a simple, easy and delicious crispy sweet potato recipe! This sweet potato recipe is sure to be loved by the whole family! It’s so delicious that I make it almost every weekend! Try this sweet potato recipe, they are great. Thank you for visiting Cooking Kun channel, wish you success.
This is so delicious! I eat a lot of sweet potatoes this season! Sweet Potato Recipes!
Better than fried potatoes! Incredibly delicious and crispy sweet potato recipe! sweet potato recipes in oven
00:00 Sweet Potato Recipe 1:
Sweet Potato 300g
Microwave for 5 minutes
White Sugar 1tbsp
Cooking Oil 2tbsp
Corn Starch 2tbsp
Bake at 150°C for 35-40 minutes
04:38 Sweet Potato Recipe 2:
Sweet Potato 300g
Microwave for 5 minutes
Mozzarella Cheese 60g
Black Pepper 1/6tsp
Sesame Seeds 1tbsp
All Purpose Flour 3tbsp
Salt 1/4tsp
Egg 1
Cooking Oil 1tbsp
Cooking Oil 2tbsp
Fry until one side is golden brown
Continue to flip the second side down
Fry until both sides are golden brown and crispy
#cookingkun #cookingkunrecipes #potatorecipes #crispyfrenchfries #frenchfries #potatosnack
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Super yummy❤❤❤
Woooow sooo delicious recipes sister woooow very nice and very tasty super racepe sister ❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 please saporting sister please ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
This is a very interesting sweet potato recipe. it looks absolutely delicious. thank you for sharing the recipe, my friend.
Like #5 mmlso 💥🌻🌞
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