DR OZ – Juz Detox Tips Untuk Kesehatan Tubuh (10/3/19) Part 2
Sumber informasi medis dan gaya hidup yang membahas mitos dan fakta kesehatan bersama narasumber terpercaya.
Saksikan pula berbagai tips dan trik untuk selalu hidup sehat.
#DROZ #DROZ10Maret2019
Saya setiap hari mengkonsumsi LIVPROTEX karena 100% bahan alami kak dan untuk menjaga kesehatan badan saya alhamdullilah sejak mengkonsumsi LIVPROTEX saya tidak pernah lagi mengalami sakit dan sudah terdaftar di BPOM.
Bisa gak Dok, gak pake nanas…? Soalnya saya punya keluhan lambung
Buah sayur baik dikonsumsi pagi hari 👍🏻
Daun kale itu apa sih?
Badan koq penyakitan…mau rutin minum jus ah..
Aku lebih suka makan langsung daripada di jus
1 mengurangilemak : daun kale, bayam, timun, nanas, perasan lemon
2 penghilang stress : nanas, timun, jeruk, bengkoang
3. Menghaluskan kulit : apel, belimbing, nanas, daun mint.
4. Morning booster :
Kale, nanas, bayam, timun, lemon
Nanas, timun, jeruk, bengkuang
Apel, belimbing, nanas, daun mint
Nanas, wortel, bengkuang, lemon
Buah naga, pisang, chia seed
Buah bit, timun, lemon, jahe, nanas
Salam sehat
Waktu yg tepat minumnya pukul brp ya dok?
Apakah bisa menggunakan daun selada , mentimun sebagai pengganti daun kale dok??🙏
Dok yg ada gastrik GERD radang boleh ke minum jus ni
Aslmalkum dok… Mau brtnya. Sya mngidap Hyperhdrosis buah apa yg bisa tuk nyembuhi pnykit HH q ini
Pengganti daun kale apa ya dok
It would be a waste for you not to lose body fat while other normal people are able to shed pounds quickly by using Custokebon Secrets (search on google).
Hello there, have you considered Custokebon Secrets yet? Just simply do a search engine search. On there you'll discover an awesome suggestions about how exactly you can lost crazy amounts of weight. Why not give it a shot? maybe it's going to work for you too.
Hello, have you considered this kind of diet plan known as the Custokebon Secrets? My work buddy says it helps people lost lots of weight. Is that possible? I also heard numerous good review relating to this diet plan. Thoughts?
Hi there, have you considered Custokebon Secrets yet? Just do a google search engine search. On there you'll find an awesome suggestions about how exactly you can lost a ton of weight. Why don't you give it a shot? perhaps it's going to work for you too.
Untuk menghaluskan kulit :
Apel, belimbing, nanas, daun mint
What is Custokebon Secrets? Does it work? I hear a lot of people lost their fat with this popular weight loss methods.
Kok tiba2 volumex hilang 😂😂
Kalo brokoli,bayam,jeruk manis dan air kelapa muda dicampur dan dibuat jus bisa ngga ya?
Does Custokebon Secrets really work? I notice lots of people keep on speaking about Custokebon Secrets. But Im uncertain if it is good enough to lost crazy amounts of fat.
What is the best product or brand to lost a ton of fat? I read a lot of good reviews on the net about how exactly Custokebon Secrets will help you lost a ton of fat. Has anyone tried using this popular weight loss secrets?
Assalamualaikum dok.maaf jus yg ke 3 kalo gak ada daun mint bisa di ganti sama jahe gak dok