March 17, 2025
👍 Healthy bread from 2 ingredients! NO flour, NO sugar, NO yeast, NO eggs

👍 Healthy bread from 2 ingredients! NO flour, NO sugar, NO yeast, NO eggs

👍 Healthy 2-Ingredient Bread! NO flour, NO sugar, NO yeast, NO eggs. Gluten Free, No Sugar. 5-Minute Bread in Mugs. Healthy and wholesome bread recipe for the whole family. Delicious and easy to make.

2 cups (240 g) flaxseed.
1/2 cup (40 g) psyllium.
2 teaspoons baking powder.
1½ cups (360 ml) hot water.
Bake in a preheated oven at 360F/180C for about 40-45 minutes.

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  • You don’t want to heat flaxseed because it turns it into free radicals. It’s best used in cold recipes.

  • Dietdə olarkən mən də belə reseptlərlə çörək bişirirəm.Amma gərək təkcə dietdə yox,bütün həyatın boyu belə sağlıqlı qidalar tükədəsən.Super reseptdir.

  • Hi, isn't it bad to heat the Leinsamen…?

  • I counted 5 ingredients counting water as one also

  • Love the idea, will definitely try it!❤

  • I was figuring out the macros & stopped at 2 c flaxseed = 1776 cals!!! Can someone please tell me if Im off base here? Thank you!

  • Love this !

  • Cos è lo psillium e con cosa si può sostituire? Grazie a chi risponderà

  • Think you for this good bread! ❤ From 🇺🇦

  • Я готовила такой хлеб, но добавляла 4 яйца

  • So… 5 ingredients then? Not 2. Stop the rubbish and tell the truth!

  • molto buono da provare grazie 🎉😊


  • Thanks for sharing

  • Скажите пожалуйста что такое псиллиум?Заранее спасибо.

  • Please tell the truth. There were 5 ingredients plus the water. This if clickbait to me…sorry I won’t be back to your channel

  • Why not get premilled flax seeds

  • Excelente y saludable bendiciones gracias x compartir

  • Δεν γραψατε το δευτερο υλικοΛιναροσπιρος,ψυλλιο κσι τι αλλο?

  • Il ne faut pas oublier les 564 kcal pour 100gr de graines de lin donc dans la recette pour un petit pain = + de 1200 kcal sans oublier aussi que l on peut en consommer 1a2 c.s / jours aux risques de désagréments digestifs.Alors pour une perte de poids ,ce n est pas trop recommandé. ….

  • Sans farine !!! Alors ce n’est pas du pain . Le pain c’est de la farine et de l’eau!!!

  • Sunt abonată,de ce nu primesc rețetă titrată (tradusă) în limba Română? Daca pe viitor este la fel renunț la mai urmări postările, mulțumesc pentru înțelegere

  • Благодаря ❤❤❤❤

  • Such a great recipe. Will give it a try soon
    Thank you for your excellent ideas. Anastasia South africa. I was caught unaware of your payment. I am a pensioner..

  • mi sembra che il lievito c'è, perchè allora scrivi senza lievito???

  • Все очень замечательно, но……….псиллиум почему-то не рекомендуют людям старшего возраста😮

  • Lovely ❤❤

  • Yam ❤ I love it ❤ thank you ❤️

  • Thank you for sharing ❤️ ❤❤

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