Today I was like hmm, I wonder if I can squat the reds (25kg plates) for 100 reps without putting the weight down 🤔.
This interest in experimenting/trying new things/seeing what’s possible has led to very good results in my physical evolution.
The main thing that it has given me is a broader horizon with regard to what I imagine is possible.
Last summer I had a day to myself and my imagination cooked. I wondered: maybe if I just took a small bottle of water and ate some macadamia nuts, this would be enough to power me from Cypress Mountain through to Lions Bay via St. Marks Summit.
I did it!
Former me would never have attempted such a thing.
I would have been hung up forever on the details. What about this? What about that? Etc.
Not the me of today who has expanded mental horizons by expanding physical horizons… and vice versa.
I just sent it… and surprised myself making it to Lions Bay in good form… well, ok, knees were shot… but this experienced opened new horizons. I climbed Mt. Baker soon after.
Not only does the occasional bold move help you learn and discover new things… but it makes it fun! Those 5 hours traversing 3 peaks, listening to podcasts, letting my mind wander, listening to my body… while crossing some epic terrain were some of the best hours of my life.
Because I was adventurous like this when I got into fitness and did dumb shit like attempting a full marathon on a weekend without any training, it raised the bar for what I considered possible.
Stanley Park is 11km around and I figured if I just lapped it 4 times, that would be more than a full 42km marathon… so that’s what I did! It took me 5.5 hours and a savage blood sugar crash, but I made it! After that, lifting crazy volume, running in unfavourable conditions… it’s all a walk in the park.
Do something crazy and you will not only learn something about yourself, but you will raise the bar!
*All fitness programs & recipes available for 50% off:
The Sober Fitness Bundle 📚
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Let's goooo 💪
is that 90 pounds or more
Do while we can, one day we won't be able 💪
What city and state do you live in? I’m digging the greenery
That’s fun
Me and my homie have this mentality it’s so good we’ve climbed up mountains and booked a random half marathon that we’re training for now
I hope your channel blows up man. You seem to always have such a good message. Keep up the good work!
bro yes. there are so many people at my gym that have made little or no progress w in 2yrs and when i tell them things to try like pullups,pushups or dips daily because thats what i feel (just like you) is what took me my body to the next level by thinking this why. but most common answer i get is, "aw man those are really hard" or "i can only do 3-5 reps" .. so? just do it and push yourself to get to 10 then 20 and so on. again WHY NOT push yourself?
really like the rustic setup
Great advice man. I grow up super sheltered by my parents so I was anxious about a lot of things. I joined the Army to help with that but then when I got out, I felt stuck and anxious about the new life. So I did, and tried things like running my own marathons, going to new places, tried different activities from indoor/outdoor rock climbing, classical music shows at the city theaters, and driving up and down the Pacific Northwest. I learned to learn, found my likes and dislikes, and developed a much better understanding of the world around me. Quitting the drinking and smoking habits also showed me what I was really capable of. Your bits of advice are so grounded and incredibly impactful. Nothing complicated, just good ol’ fashion consistency and simplicity. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Keep it up, man!
Have you made any videos showing your gym equipment?
I just want you to know man your content inspire me in a 20 year old in college getting sober and you actually have changed my routine and mindset been ripping fitness daily’s I’m so glad I came across your page keep up the good work❤
Is your story somewhere man?
I would be interested in how you built all the wooden equipment. Could be a cool video series. Cheers.