March 15, 2025
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    Serves: 4

    2 apples
    1 and 1/3 cup chocolate chips (if you’re vegan or dairy-free, choose vegan ones.)

    1. Peel and dice the apple.
    2. Boil/steam the apple until tender (mine took 15-20 min.)
    3. Drain the water from the pot you used to cook the apples and add in the chocolate chips. Stir together until the chocolate is melted.
    4. Blend everything together.
    5. Pour into 4 silicon muffin tin molds. (Since this makes 4 servings.)
    6. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours, but ideally overnight.
    7. Pop out of the muffin tin and enjoy!

  • Or you could just eat regular fondant

  • “ThIS ChOColaTe FaHNdaNt” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • That is some Apple tasting chocolate there. Fondant usually contains gum paste.

  • Eww

  • Delicious ❤

  • Fondant??! 😮

  • How is that fondant? 😅

  • I would question whether chocolate chips are healthy. Just because you mix it with apples doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of sugar to process and a lot of people’s bodies aren’t capable of it though they can’t tell until they start having big problems.

  • Thank you Emmie. I like this video. Just simple

  • Thanks 🎉 I'm m gonna try this ❤chocolate and ❤ apple😊

  • I don’t trust it

  • Damn. Dont have a fridge. So close.

  • Chocolate apple sauce looks yummy ! It's not fondant though ❤️

  • I made this last night after seeing your recipe! I didn't like the texture, but the taste was nice

  • Chocolate chips usually have dairy. Since you are vegan why do you not reveal this?

  • Does any one know the caloric content per serving?

  • Fondant is made from Sugar and water (And sometimes gelatin) As the most basic recipe,
    I would say that is a 2 ingredient chocolate mousse

  • Wow😊

  • Whoa I’m gonna try this!

  • Now this sounds good

  • Oh my.

  • Hey, i want to ask you something private but can't download the slim app, what do I do?

  • Yummm!!! Thank you Emmie!! ❤

  • Yum ❤

  • I've never tried this, is there an apple taste to it? Looks great

  • How does it taste??

  • Is it gonna taste like apples

  • thats not fondant 🫣

  • Oh yumm! 🎉

  • Thanks i will shurely try it❤

  • it looks like i would eat far too many of these in one sitting

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