March 15, 2025
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  • I just made this from your video. Thank you

  • Is the seeds good for detoxing parasites?

  • I worked at a beautiful restaurant in Hawaii for 4 years where we served a papaya seed balsamic vinaigrette that was blended with the papaya seeds, and you couldn't even tell they were in there.

  • Looks delicious…

  • Thanks again for more nutritional advice, loving it🎉

  • What juicer is this?

  • Also, Dr Morse mentioned to eat all melons alone, including papaya, as they digest at a different rate/speed than other fruits.

  • Ari Latham says to swallow the papaya seeds whole, don’t chew, that way the parasites will attach to them.

  • Those drinks could make a man feel like a million bucks.

  • How could i make those papaya seeds take longer to go bad?

  • Papaya gonna keep you on the John all day 😂

  • Make sure you swallow the seeds whole. Do not crush, chew them, or blend them. Because I don’t like the taste of papaya or mangoes, I add fresh coconut water because I do live in the Caribbean to make it a real island drink.

  • Gonna definitely try the juice. Would yoy mibd sharing how i can get that mug?? Loving it😊

  • I just came across some green mangoes and before I think about purchasing them, can you give some information about them. What's the difference between the normal mangoes vs. the green ones. I trust your opinion, so I will wait til you give thumbs up or down on them. I saw a video that was posted 2 years ago about them, and since I trust your knowledge, I will need your approval first.

  • That's amazing blessings respectfully

  • 😍😍😍😍

  • Let me tell ya’ll, great fruits and juice, but whenever I drank juiced papaya with the seeds my stool smelled like tar! Like something coming out of a car with everything wrong with it 😭 very good though

  • Thanks once again for this interesting information.
    I will be trying this juice idea.😋

  • 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

  • I'm wondering if that's too sweet too much glucose sugar stuff??

  • Your face says those seeds are definitely an acquired taste. 😂

  • The seeds nasty 🤢 😭

  • You look like we all should look healthy and wonderful skin sending warm hug 🤗

  • 🫶🫶🫶 Gratitude 😇

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