Our Magical Purim Celebration 🎭Easy Hamantaschen Hack Chibureki Recipe Mishloach Manot
Our Magical Purim Celebration 🎭Easy Hamantaschen Hack Chibureki Recipe Mishloach Manot
🎁 Yona’s Sweet Treats
Chibureki Dough Recipe:
1/2 bag flour
2 tspn salt
1 tsp of sugar
2 shots vodka
2 cups water
1/4 cup oil
Hamantaschen Recipe:
4 sticks unsalted butter at room temperature
1 1/3 cups sugar
1 1/4 teaspoons vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
Purim – Hamantaschen Recipe / Purim/ Mishloach Manot/ Perfect Hamantaschen Recipe/ Baking with the Kids /How to Prepare for Purim / How to Make Hamantaschen / Hamantaschens / Hamantaschen Recipe / sonyas prep Hamantaschen / Sonyas Prep Purim Recipes / How We Celebrate Purim / Jewish Holiday / Orthodox jewish / Sonya’s Prep Cookies
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What else do you think would go well with our magic themed basket?
פורים שמח. את כל כך מקסימה. כיף לצפות בך.
Chebureki is a traditional Russian/Crimean dish. It’s cool that you are able to incorporate it into Purim.
I think that’s enough for your magic hat gifts.
Sonya is nice but wrong on her chibureki recipe. Meat has to be uncooked!
I made the Hamantaschen and didn’t keep their shape for some reason, but they were DELICIOUS! Best butter cookies I’ve ever made. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful recipes, Sonya. I’m a Christian who follows Torah, Shabbat, and celebrates the moedim, and you have helped me create so many wonderful traditions with my family.
Shalom , Sonja Prep , Shia , Family.Thank you for Traditional Savory & Sweet Recipes For Purim Happy Celebrations.Sending All Blessings.Prays For The Peace Of Jerusalem And Prays For The Peace Of Israel Amen.U.K.
Shalom Sonja Prep Shai , Family.Thank uou for Traditional Savory & Sweet Prium Celebrations. Ending Blessing To You All.Praye for The Peace Of Jerusalem And Prays For The Peace Of Israel Amen.U.K
Happy Purim. Haman's ear cookie recipe Thank you Happy Purim~ 💙🇮🇱🇰🇷🙏
Dress in costumes like in Venice Italy before Lent “ Carnevale “ enjoy your Holiday ❤
I enjoyed this so much! 💙
last I checked the written Torah's against magic stuff
Please the haman tashen recipe
פורים שמח מישראל
Hi Sonya you are such a good baker I remember watching my mum bake I just loved it.
We put sprite or 7 up in our dough to create bubbles.. could that work in your recipe in place of the vodka?
A neighbor of mine did the same theme and added blown up plastic gloves. It was very cute
Awesome love your Purim theme this year
Thank you i love watching your prep x
מעולה,דרישת שלום מישראל🇮🇱 וחג פורים שמח🎉
That's just what I am doing today, making my hamentaschen. I think I'll stick with the old method!
love the mishloach manot theam thing! ideas 🎩 🪄: trick- a sweet filling in what looks like a bureka, and or a salty thing in what looks like a sweet pastry bake.also- something that changes colors when is mixed with liquid .also- any thing that has like a gown look to it. also- if you can do some eatable writing drawaing- something that looks like a card ( 4 heart, for ex, or maybe queen, and adding 'esther' at the buttom of the card)
I really enjoy your content Sonya, Even though I’m Christian I grew up and went to school in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood. There was even a very small Orthodox Community very close to me. The majority of my friends were Jewish and I remember being so fascinated by all of the traditions. I remember the 1st time I ever tried Matzoh at the lunch table. My Best Friends Zayde was a Holocaust Survivor and he told his story to our school. Your videos are comforting & nostalgic ❤😊 The Jewish Community loved me and included me as a child and it has always stuck with me.
Dove brand candies, as magicians often work with doves. But you pretty much have the theme covered.
Most of Klal Yisroel has a minhag of eating meat covered by dough to indicate that its a yom tov which requires eating meat but its covered since its not a full yom tov with all the prohibitions
You inspire me❤
Purim sameach to you and your lovely family. Loved your mishloach manot, interesting your Oznei Haman I also baked lots of them and I bake lots of type of cookies and cakes so I dont have to worry about sweets. Its a good chance to clean our Chametz flours etc. May all the hostages be back to their families this holiday Amen.
Those hamentashen are a great option! Mine always bust when I bake them, I could not pinch them harder, and they still undo themselves!! Good to mention that a drink is always part of mishloach manot. You made such beautiful baskets, your friends will be thrilled.
Hi Sonya. I’ve tried so many of your recipes and can’t wait to try this hamantaschen recipe. Thanks so much!
I have never heard of this. What fun for your family! Maybe add a rabbit (small toy or chocolate) to your magician hat because rabbits are pulled out of them. ❤️🇨🇦🪄
Wishing you and your family a Happy Purim 🎉
Sonya I just want to say your amazing an inspiration to so many. Your magical I cant even begin to do all that you do❤️❤️❤️
A bunny- like the magic trix bunny
Shavuah Tov to your beautiful family and you. May you guys have a new week full of good health, shalom, and monetary prosperity. And may the Shechinah be restored to Zion rapidly in our days 🙏
This was so beautiful. ❤
Everything you made looks delicious!!!!
Targum Jonathan on Isaiah 10:17 – And there shall be the Lord, the Light of Israel, and his holy one, his word, strong as fire, and his word as a flame, and it shall slay, and make an end of his rulers and of his governors in one day.
We typically stuff chebureki with raw meat and onion mixture and never had an issue of the meat not cooking through. Maybe try next time, and it'll save you a step. They come out super juicy with juice running down your arm sometimes, haha! Yum! I think i will actually make some soon as well!
How many cups of flour do you add to the hamantaschen recipe?
Happy Purim Sonya
great job dear Sonya Magic theme is really cool Happy purim holiday and the best to your family from mine Shalom