Vegetarian Dinner
Hi Guys! I wanted to share a quick veggie based recipe that is super simple and my family’s favorite summer recipe! Hope you enjoy!
Honey Roasted Quash:
-1 Acorn Squash
-Drizzle of Olive Oil
-Salt and Pepper to taste
-Drizzle of Honey
-Bake at 350F
Cumin Salt:
-1/4 Tsp Cumin
-1/2 Tsp Salt
-1 Clove of Garlic
-1 Cup Greek Yogurt
Cilantro Fluffy Rice:
-1 Part Basmati Rice
-2 Parts Water
-Cilantro and Salt to taste
Carrot Salad:
-1 Bunch Heirloom Carrots
-1 Bunch of Romaine Lettuce
-1 Head of Radicchio
– Drizzle of Olive Oil
-Squeeze of Lemon
-Salt and Pepper to Taste
Charred Greens:
-2 Bunches of Chard
-1 Clove of Garlic
-Drizzle of Olive Oil
-Squeeze of Lemon
-Salt and Pepper
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* DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed are true &my own. I link affiliate links to make it easier for you to find the exact products I mention…..and… I LOVE YOU!!!! =) Thank you for supporting what I do!! ♥♥♥
THIS IS NOT A SPONSORED VIDEO So excited to share my new Pacific Thyme CBD Bath Bombs. Visit PacificThyme.com to get yours and keep an eye out for more great products soon!
Another one really amazing video. Tasty and healthy meal 😋
This looks delicious !
Rachel it’s been too long since you made a food video! I’d love to see some more, especially using all the amazing food you grow in the garden 😋
Wow Awesome 💕💕💕🌷👍🏼👍🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🧿💝
Squash seeds tastes delicious when fried and adding a little salt. No need to waste it and also the thread like thing can be tossed into gravy, soups, etc.
Are u vegetarian
We use this roasted cumin and salt in India in every cusine we eat..mostly to give a tangy flavour to curd
So delicious food
Girl I get inspiration from u
I'll bet you could put the carrot tops into the salad as well.
I am from India we can learn new things how to do these type of dishes nice
I used to grate carrots with lemon juice for me and my kids . Those long strips of carrots might need a quick steam for me and my children. Three cumin salt does sound a great idea.
I love your voice. I'm learning english
how come she doesn't answer the comments.no offence I love her videos.🙂
Wow! healthy cooking I love your channel keep up the great work.
Where’s the protein?..
Your Food is so simpel and nice. We will try something
I wish I had the time and resources to be able to cook like this 😔
I’m so hungry now 😂
Looks very yummy
I surely try it out….
Thank you sweetie
please do a video all about tea
The stone grinder is so much indian
You should save seeds and bake them.
I love ur videos because most of the stuff u do in ur videos are really simple, while it's great to learn really complicated stuff as well but i find that the easier the recipes r the more likely it is for me to actually do it and apply it in my cooking. On top of that i find u to be a very relatable person as a whole! Also, the aesthetics of ur videos is just incredible, inspiring and calmimg! Keep up the good work
Thanks for the idea!!! Loved it!!
Everything about your videos exude happiness and calmness. I adore watching them and YT like you as I’m finally moving on from makeup addiction lol. That’s becoming a mad mad world and your vids are like a breath of fresh air😘😘
😍 I love the look of tbe carrot salad and acorn squash! Could I use something like bok choy instead of swiss chard?
Yes please make more videos like this !
Please do a kitchen tour? I was noting all your bulk bins behind you and was so curious. Also, really appreciate your mentioning how we can veganize this recipe since it looks so delicious
I like that squash that you cut it looks like clouds
If looks delicious
I don’t normally comment on YouTube videos but I just wanted to say that I’ve been watching your videos for a few months and it’s always so relaxing and inspires me in many ways! I’m a wife and a mom of 5 kiddos and I’m always looking for inspiration in ALL areas of life! I appreciate the time you put into making these videos for us all. God bless!
looks so good
Looks ultra yummy!! 😍
Looks ultra yummy!! 😍
this looks good👌👌👌
Acorn squash is also so good stuffed. I stuff it with ground beef, onions, rice, and a mixture of some grated cheeses, but you could also use minced mushrooms instead of beef for the filling. It is really good and pretty simple to make.