One Can of Chickpeas Could Change The Way You Think About Burgers
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I’ve been trying to find creative ways to get some great tasting veggie burgers that don’t break the bank! I mean veggie burgers are great…. you don’t always need a “beef” tasting burger when you can have a super flavorful vegan veggie burger and the best part is.. you can make the cheese, sauce, and burger using 1 can of chickpeas!! So lets grab our can of beans and lets go!
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The goal of SauceStache is to continue trying something new, something new to me and something different.
I find inspirations from you the SauceSquad and my constant hunt of social media to see what food is being made around the globe and how can I try to make it. Lets try to make some food and have fun!!
#saucestache #onecanofchickpeas
Amazing, you are incredible 👏👏👏
this sounds awesome – what if you only have rolled oats?
marmite – blech , signed Australia
This video changed my life! I have a lot of food allergies including gluten, but I can eat avocados, lentils, and chickpeas. Now I can make lentil buns, chickpea patties, and avocado oil mayo! You deserve an award for publishing this! I thought I would never be able to eat hamburgers again! I just use coconut flour and ground chia seed flour to bind the chickpeas.
Why are you using a finishing salt in a sauce?
How about a recipe that is gluten free.
Made these bad boys today… Delicious! 👍 Thank you Sauce Stache! ❤️💚
So many burger recipes, even just on your channel. Which do you rate as the best formulation??? Thanks!
Why make your own food and add gluten?
Wheat gluten. Again. I see it everywhere in recipes but nowhere in shop. And i don't want to make it at home!😢 But burger looks yummy.
Yeah…..I'm not going out to get all those ingredients for a veggie burger. It is not worth the effort.
I know the BEYOND brand is really amazing, but honestly I like this kind of before Burger. I actually miss the old White Castle veggie Burger.
This is what hippies called vegie-burgers. The cacao surprised me.
I cam hardly wait to make this amazing burger… yummy delicious… Thanks for this amazing recipes ❤
All that great work to make the burgers healthy… and then a processed white bun. You could easily make a delicious lentil/psyllium husk bun and make this whole meal 100% healthier.
whole grain oats, all oats are whole grain….
Remember, the beauty of veggie burgers is the versatility they offer, so don't hesitate to get creative and tailor the recipe to your taste preferences. Enjoy your culinary adventure with those chickpeas!
Can I switch oats to sunflower seeds?
Just an fyi… This plant is incredibly agressive and has very deep roots. At least in the eastern half of the US, it is very invasive (not sure if listed as invasive, but if not it should be)
With a stand blender, there's no need to drip the oil. I use 50 ml of aqua faba (a little less than 1/4 cup) and 100 ml (~ 2cups) of a neutral oil like canola, **right out of the fridge**, put them together with the spices and garlic in a tall container and then use the stand blender on highest speed and it immediately starts to emulsify. If the consistency is not like mayo yet, add some more oil. You can also use soy milk instead of aquafaba.
It is important that all ingridient are at fridge temperature (~4 °C/~40 °F)! Most recipies tell you that the ingridients have to be at room temperature, but in that case, it takes very long to emulsify. I discovered this by accident some years ago. I have a very cheap stand blender, but it works perfectly.
I get u want to make money, but directing to your website for the recipe and then there not being any, is kinda like 3rd rate, forcing the people to look for something thats not there.
Thank you so much I really really enjoyed watching you create these awesome chickpea burgers. And the cheese too, I’m really really impressed with your channel that I’ve subscribed and given you a thumb’s up too. Please stay safe and well too
Toooooo much oil
MSG gets you a thumbs DOWN☹👎
Stop using archaic British measurements
The whole world has changed
Why do vegans always make their food resemble meat meals? You would think that if you're trying to avoid something you wouldn't want to have anything comparable to it, knowing full well that whatever you create cannot complete with the original.
Does it taste like meat and is it chewy?
Chick peas give me horrible gas. Is there an alternative?
I'll take my burgers with extra beef please
Ooh Monica girl I love your nails in this one! I think I'll copy that black tip and colored bed when I do my nails later 😀
I'm from the UK – about the only ingredient I recognised was Marmite!!!
how can any of this be healthy when you put MSG in it lol it was all good until you did that MSG is one of the worst things you can put in your body it damages your brain
Love it! But PLEASE, don’t ruin your tef pans with metal!!
I love your use healthy avocado oil instead of vegetable, corn, or canola oils.
This looks so good. In allergic to chick peas bit I want it.
Were the oats precooked? Thank you!
i rather eat meat every day than that much oil
Man this aquafaba aioli is SENDING ME!!! Thank you for another delicious recipe!
Looks good. I’ll see if I can make it with the ingredients I have on hand. I’m concerned that whole oats won’t be soft enough, but sounds like it’s not a problem.
Edit: OK I made the sauce and burgers. Had to substitute a few things. Didn’t have tomatoes but had some left over spaghetti sauce. No gluten so I used sprouted whole wheat flour. Used corn starch. Steel cut oats( they were tender enough👍). Regular paprika. Diced onions instead of onion powder. Apple cider vinegar. Less oil. They turned out great! My partner was very impressed! Thanks. It’s gotten me thinking of other variations too. 🙏🏼
This was my first time seeing this channel, great recipe, commentary, and the dialogue at the end seemed genuine, not corny and contrived.
You had me till you added wheat gluten ☹️
i feel bad for you in the sponsor thing, why you clearly don't like it.
Making the best burgers and still having to do that.
I'm allergic so is there something else that can be used besides wheat gluten?
Too lazy to cook it, but I'd sure eat it. Looks yummy. Great voice.
Oh my. Where do you get the time and energy? Looks delicious but just watching you is exhausting. Great voice!!!
So why is a thinner patty better?
What’s up with all the burgers? Just have chickpeas like patties or fritters.