Delicious Vietnamese recipes (ready in 20 minutes)
The best Vietnamese dishes don’t actually take hours to make. So in this video I’m sharing 6 delicious and easy and super yummy recipes that you can cook in under 20 minutes! #VietnameseRecipes #recipes #QuickMeals #EasyCooking
0:00 Intro
0:23 Stuffed Tofu With Pork
7:00 Steamed Pork & Egg
8:33 Sweet & Sour Fish Soup
13:00 Gourd Soup With Shrimp
14:58 Stir-fried Water Spinach With Garlic
17:13 Stir-fried Squid with Celery
19:11 Outro
Hi, I’m Uyen Ninh but please just call me Uyen!
Originally from Vietnam, I now explore life in Germany, sharing my unique perspective through my videos on my way to be your favorite Ausländer! 😁
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Videos and Shorts: @uyenninh
Instagram: instagram.com/uyenninh/
TikTok: tiktok.com/@uyennninh
[email protected]
What’s one dish you wish you could make faster?
The first one was the strangest fish soup I've ever seen 🥴
I love the way that she rarely used sugar in every dish, which is so North Vietnamese cuisine. If you come to the North Vietnam, just get ready with the raw flavor from the ingredient, people use sugar not much so you can taste dish very clear their true flavor, you can call this is the elegant and delicate side. Come to the South, they will be a orchestra of flavor, dish will have stronger taste, you can feel so much rich, sweet, sour at the same time cause they use a lot of spice and herb and very much of veggies, It give us the variety, excited feeling
What kind/brand fish sauce does your mum use and recommend?
Just remind for everybody 😂 all of these dishes need fish sauce. if you just put salt or soy sauce, it will not taste good.
the hacking of the gourd was barbaric
Time to write a cook book Uyen. Vietnamese food looks so much healthier than Western and no chili like Thai food.
First time I have seen carp cooked and eaten. It is a pest in our rivers (yellow carp) and destroys the environment for our native fish. I will be trying tofu; you make it look delicious.
Love love love the recipes and how raw you are by showing your home and kitchen, which are not typical social media aesthetic-friendly but represent a real home and life in Vietnam, its a whole vibe and makes me want to try the food and visit your country more! ♥
One can see these are really traditional family recipes because it has all the measuremeants that grandmas use to describe a recipe. "Not too much", "just a little bit", "a lot" etc. Also it can be done without fancy equipment which is a big plus.
You using chop sticks to cook
Me trying to sort through the 500 utensils I use
13:50 okay that was your mom's hands 😅
I really appreciate that you show us home made Vietnamese dishes, hope to see more detailed recipes from you 🥰❤
Try do stirfry Kohlrabi leaves with stemps the younger ro the middle leaves not the tough ones maybe that is a close substutute to morning glory
the electric Work gives me nightmares i swear
Why are you cooking in a parka, inside the house?
I think for the gourd and shrimp soup, you can use chayote.
Uyen, what you called mint in canh chua is actually elephant ear in English. The other herb you held up is called sawtooth herb or culantro (spelled similar to cilantro).
Folks, don't underestimate the stir-fried water spinach (morning glory). It is absolutely DELICIOUS and all the Westerners whom I've seen eating it in Vietnam love it. It can be made with other things in it, but the basic recipe is still amazing. And canh chua (sour soup) is fantastic. There are more than one version of canh chua (the other popular version is make with pork spare riblets and pickled/fermented mustard greens). That stuffed tofu dish is delicious, but can also be made unstuffed…triple or quadruple the sauce and toss on cilantro or sliced green onions before serving it.
I never realized how much of my family's home cooking is actually Vietnamese. It's been fascinating watching this video and finding out.
For context, my family is considered Chinese, but my parents both were born and raised in Vietnam until the war. My grandparents are also mixed, and there was never any differentiation in my home between what is Chinese or Vietnamese cooking.
The seamed egg & pork, fried veggies with garlic, gourd (winter melon) & dried shrimp soup, and squid and celery are all things that get cooked often! We also do the stuffed tofu but deconstructed, the pork just goes on top because stuffing is annoying I guess. I suspect I've had the sweet and sour fish soup as well, the flavor sounds so familiar.
I like the variety you showed with the recipes chosen on this video. Next time, show them the fried fish in the tomato sauce (similar to the stuffed tofu one, but fish instead). I loved eating it growing up as my dad would prep and fry catfish to make it in the US. We also had more sauce on ours than you showed on yours and top ours with herbs – you should know all Viet dishes have to have fresh herbs! LOL. That squid/ocotopus dish looks great and isn't something I grew p eating (probably because fresh seafood is harder to come by and way more expensive in the Midwest).
i understand why you miss your food from home so much, everything is so fresh right from your garden!! it must taste amazing
Msg is like hfcs. Its natural but super concentrated glutamate. Its not healthy. GABA is its buddy, a calming neurotransmitter, so it you use msg you get a massive dose of an excitatory neurotransmitter and you don't likely have enough of the calming neurotransmitter to offset it. So it clogs your liver, and messes up your neurochemistry.
yay, a continuation of my favorite topic! I've already made three dishes from the last video, now I can try some more. fish sauce should not be wasted
I love how many vegetables are in Vietnamese food 😍 So healthy!
I want to visit Vietnam and eat all these amazing healthy dishes. Thanks for sharing. I'll try to make some of your recipes here in Portland, Oregon USA.
I cooked your tomato soup from the last video and it was delicious
Warum trägst du die ganze Zeit die dicke Daunenjacke 😮😮😮
You didn't explain what morning glory is or what it tastes like .. please tell us!🙏🏻🙏🏻
I love it fishy sweet sour spices soup it is my jam. I would eat it all the only thing I don’t like I’ve seen you cook or show from Vietnam is slimy textures or jelly cold meet.
the best part of uyens videos are her english and her behaviour. shes so awkward and yet so cute, I feel so warm when i watch her videos
here in Indonesia, we also love to serve stir-fry water spinach with garlic as well 🥰i do agree about it's tasted, so yummy, a bit crunchy, goes perfect with oyster sauce 😘
Thank you for posting these cooking videos. My grandma passed away when I was a teen and a lot of these dishes she made for me back then. Especially the morning glory/water spinach. I haven't had that dish since she passed away and I look forward to making it soon to feel close to her <3
3:42 Oh, yummy, looking at the stuffed tofu makes me so hungry! It looks so delicious! Thank you for the recipe!
You have such a nice large kitchen. My kitchen is so small but I live in an apartment.
14:22 I love shrimp too.
What does squid taste like?
Thank you for the recipes!!
I watch this video with my parents and I am amazed by my mom who doesn’t speak English but know every veggie you use! Just amazing
It all looked delicious! I'm sorry that you can't get all of the ingredients in Germany though! I wonder if you could grown morning glory flowers in your garden at home and use the vines for that one dish you cooked?
Nice quick dishes we enjoy: boerewors (South African sausage) and pap (maize porridge) with sweet tomato sauce.
Snitzel, mashed potatoes and vegies
Fish and chips (Salt and vinigar fries)
check the editing, you put the fish soup title before the first and the second recipes. otherwise, the video is superb…
In thr US, most of the soybeans (97% estimated) are genetically modified so they can survive the herbicide [RoundUp] that is used to streamline planting. Are soybeans grown in VietNam also genetically modified?
Tofu is the same as bread and cooking with a coat on is not my idea of comfort, Holy Cow, This is brutal.
Hi Uyen! Thank you for the video, it's really useful.
I have one small request. Can I trouble you to type out all the herbs used in the recipes in Vietnamese? I struggle to type Vietnamese, so if you have them written out here I can copy and paste to google and see where I can find them (I live in South East Asia).
I'm a kinda picky eater but all these dishes look so good! I'd try them all
my new gardening goal is to successfully grow a colocasia gigantea in my house (they hate me for some reason) so i can successfully have access to most vietnamese veggies without needing to go to the store