【FULL】她被妹妹搶走豪門未婚夫,被迫嫁給坐輪椅的病秧子總裁,人人嘲諷她嫁過去就是個沖喜丫頭不會有幸福,沒想到天才毒醫的她不僅一針治好他的腿疾,還成了豪門團寵被豪門老公寵上天!#短劇 #甜寵
#短劇 #灰姑娘霸總 #追妻火葬場 #追爽劇 #女頻爽劇 #優質小說改編 #追妻火葬場 #大女主逆襲 #tvseries #ChineseDrama #tvshow #Chineseskits #shortfilms #精彩短劇 #最新短劇全集 #精彩短劇推薦 #短劇全集 #精選短劇2023 #短劇 #熱門短劇 #短劇推薦 #大陸短劇 #愛情 #都市 #霸總 #重生 #網劇 #全集短劇 #短劇全集 #短劇 #熱門短劇 #短劇推薦 #大陸短劇 #愛情 #都市 #霸總 #chinesedramaengsub #romanticshortchinesedrama #loveaftermarriagechinesedrama #newromanticchinesedrama #Chinesedramamisunderstandingscene #cinderellalovestorychinesedrama #ceoandcinderellachinesedrama
So nice ❤
Female leads name, please.
Very good drama. ML and FL both are strong characters and very good
Main leads names please
This couple is so cunningly beautiful 😂❤❤
Muy bonita historia me encantó😮😅
The ML is really handsome ❤ the FL is a very versatile actress. ❤
唔明白既然咁介意有白月光做乜又唔肯聽 解釋,
First story looks like ok …but still buldog
I thought I saw wrong, but no the card the evil mother gave her at the beginning had, Manchester City on it, my favourite football team. 😅
Múy 😅lindo drama.Múy bella la actris y él actor muý bien atuado perfecto la chica sé defendió bien cuando la atacaban excelente me.gusto mucho el actor principal xq el también apoyo á la chica hermosos los dos perfectos ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉👌🏻👍👍👍💞💜💞💜💞💜💞💚💞💚💞💚
These two Main Leads were wonderful together. Their combined acting abilities was perfect and very smooth. I really enjoyed watching this drama. I really hope to see them both together and separately in future dramas. ❤😃 Best of luck to you both in the future.
She's one of the best FL in short drama, n i really like this FL, she always play as strong n smart woman, she knows how to choose good role….
Very good drama. FL very smart. Secret out quickly. Well written ❤
總裁 藥嗑很多?
I like how girlie knew her worth. When people get threatened with like their loved ones like in the beginning with her mom, they just break down. And that's fair, but many, like main girl, have the upper hand or some negotiation like saying no to the marriage that their abusive family wants them to do.
Porque todos los vestuarios son iguales en las series ya cambien
he's a good kisser😳😳😳
Good chemistry between FL and ML. The story itself was quite basic miracle doctor plot but still enjoyable 😊
Amei esse dorama. Tudo perfeito, temas, atores,figurinos, em fim.Ameiiii🫰🫰💐❤️🇧🇷💚🇵🇹❤️💐🫰🫰🥰🥰🥂💐
😂😂 Muito bom 😂😂😂❤❤❤