March 10, 2025
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  • Easy-peasy delishaaaas pasta that won't deprive you of protein 🤝 recipe ⤵️

    Edit: The beans in the recipe should be soaked and cooked, they're not raw holy moly. If your beans taste raw just keep cooking!

    If you're gonna use kidney or other beans, they will take a lot longer to cook than chickpeas so beware. Thats why the recipe says chickpeas. You can see kidney beans in the video because I just had a few leftover from another dish but they take longer to cook.

    The bean mix:

    100g dried chickpeas
    1 small onion
    4 garlic cloves
    A handful of greens (parsley, coriander etc.)
    1 tsp salt
    A splash of milk/water


    1/2 bell pepper or other vegetable
    2 tsp paprika
    2 tsp smoked paprika
    1 tsp oregano
    1 tsp cumin
    1 tsp coriander
    200ml cream
    2 tbsp tomato paste

    Pasta water
    200g pasta


    1. Soak the beans overnight. Drain them and blend all of the ingredients for the bean mix together in a food processor or food chopper until it becomes a paste. Let is sit for at least 10 minutes. You can also prepare the filling a day in advance.
    2. Fry the bell pepper or other vegetable until soft and add in the bean mixture. Fry on medium-high heat with a generous amount of oil for at least 10 minutes.
    3. In a separate pot, start boiling the water for pasta. Do not drain the pasta water.
    4. Push the mixture aside making empty space in the middle of the pan and add the tomato paste. Fry it for a few minutes. Add in the spices and mix well.
    5. Pour in the cream and and spices and mix. Put in low heat and let it barely simmer. Adjust the seasoning.
    6. Add in the pasta into the pan along with 1 ladle or 100ml of pasta water. Mix well and if it looks too try add more pasta water. Enjoy!

  • chickpeas, normal peas and lentils are okay to use that way, but kidney beans are an absolute no!
    because kidney beans need to thoroughly cooked for a long time so the toxin in them is destroyed.

    Unfortunally I found that out by myself, making bean patties from soaked kidney beans. They were fried very well, but we all got sick from it, only slightly sick but it was enough.

    i only read up afterwards that kidney beans are one of the few beans who need a thorough cooking time. soaking and then cooking them for a short time like in bean patties is not enough.

  • Another recipe for "some day" when I get a food processor 😭

  • Undercooked legumes can be poisonous. I would cook them.

  • Yummy❤ and funny onion lol garlic

  • THANK YOUUUU im gonna try this w lentils!!

  • Me. The vegetarian anaphylacticaly allergic to chickpeas 😭

    I’m just never giving up eggs.

  • Crying bc I just watched this after making sad meatless noodles and thinking about what I could put in the sauce.

  • this is very close to a falafel recipe ive made before

  • Uff seems soo tasty

    By the way where are you from? Ukraine?

  • Beans are not my friend. 😢

  • Vegan content but with beef in the background. 5/5

  • Cooking breaks up the bonds between the protein molecules. It works your way too ofc, but protein intake will be higher if you cook them. Just my 2cents no harm meant.

  • Ugh it's too bad legumes have such a gritty grainy mushy texture 😩 this looks so good but I can't do those textures

  • You could've had a beautiful life

  • Falafel makes a good skewer

  • U are too cute to be vegan, get well soon

  • Careful, raw kidney beans are poisonous. Make sure they are porperly cooked to avoid getting sick 😊

  • Omg another bean youtuber to add to my list of bean influencers??! YES!! As a Mexican, i approve- it took me a while to enter my bean era as well😂

  • Looks great! I’m always trying to find more ways to eat less meat and so I’m definitely going to give this a try

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