Make sure you add finely chopped garlic and let the garlic sit for 10 minutes once chopped so that it will make enzymes call Allicin which has anti microbial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Add it to that concoction
I do this exact same thing but with half a lemon instead of a whole one and I mix it with hot water because the straight up lemon juice can mess your your stomach lining and the acidity will melt your tooth enamel away.
I do the same, but I ad turmeric and ginger powder.
Make sure you add finely chopped garlic and let the garlic sit for 10 minutes once chopped so that it will make enzymes call Allicin which has anti microbial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Add it to that concoction
I do this exact same thing but with half a lemon instead of a whole one and I mix it with hot water because the straight up lemon juice can mess your your stomach lining and the acidity will melt your tooth enamel away.
Morning or night??
That looks like Louisiana hot sauce 🥵
Works great if you want to Amp it up even furthur add 1-2 ts of Chia seeds to the mix as well!
My wife prepares this for me every morning
Can it be taken morning and night ??? I’m asking cuz I only take it in the morning but I would like to take it before bed too
It works so well
Very good for circulation