Pantry Challenge Deep Clean – #threeriverschallenge
Today I’m cleaning out my fridge, freezer, and pantry for the January Pantry Challenge! Join me for the pantry challenge clean out!
*Videos you might be interested in:*
The Pantry Challenge Playlist
2025 Pantry Challenge Rules and Intro
Katy’s Queso Video (Louisiana Cooking & Living)
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When we were not empty nesters, cleaning out our pantries (long storage and working) and our fridges and freezers were a quarterly endeavor because we had an abundance and I wanted to make sure all our stock was rotated, things that needed to go went and so I didn’t buy items that we already had plenty of (we did and still do quarterly bulk shopping). As empty nesters, I still keep everything stocked (we are our adult children’s and an adult grandchild’s grocery store sometimes) for the just in case worse case scenario, always have in our 41 year marriage. I am sure that the majority of homes have a mix of healthy, junk and very questionable food and drink products, as long as I am not buying your food, I don’t care about the health of them- it’s called personal freedom and choices- aka a free society, so tired of the keyboard police and censors.
It is so sad that you have to make a statement about commenters (not nice troublemakers). I see those keyboard cowards all over and just wish they could find their “happy”… Blessings to you!
❤Blessings and Gratitude ❤
Love a good pantry clean-out! It's always so satisfying to declutter and get organized for the new year!
Louisiana-Aldi had eggs $3.97 dozen limit 2 dozens
I never understood why when I watch all these youtube videos the creators are always making excuses for normal everyday things. The haters need to get a life, and find something else to do. Shame on anyone who is being mean just to be mean, go look in a mirror and examine your own lives. To the OP, thank you for sharing.
I had to clean out my fridge too, but it still is full. Next, I need to tackle my freezers.
I like your comment about comments. Also, I do pantry and freezer for 2 yes never thought about my refrigerators. Thanks for the information. Just found you😊
Velveeta cheese will last forever. You'll have that same block for next year too, if u don't use it up. I don't use it anymore, but have a lot of past experience with Velveeta.
$9.99 a dozen here in Florida
Eggs are $3.97 in SE Missouri. I have to replace my hens this spring also. Feral cats found a way into our pen and got my hens. So now, redoing chicken pen before getting new.
Eggs are $4.54 a dozen in southern MN. I canned 8 pints of chicken stock from frozen carcasses yesterday. Tomorrow it’s banana bread from frozen bananas in my freezer. Today roast beef supper with frozen roast beef.
I bought eggs day before yesterday. I buy pasture-raised eggs, and they were $10.99 a dozen (!) Regular eggs are $5.99 a dozen. I'm in the Pacific Northwest.
Holiday leftovers for the win!!! This holiday season seemed to be extra whirl=windy for me, and it feels like it should still be September, LOL. I'm on the third year of the challenge, and hoping to make it a full 30 days in Jan with NO grocery shopping, but I just realized tonight I am down to only a smidge of garlic, so . . . it's going to be hard, but I'm determined!
I buy mine from a farmer friend down the road and she charges me $3.00/dz. Hers are still laying and I buy 5 dozen at a time. I did buy 5 dozen from our local Kroger for $2.49/dz because I needed to make freezer breakfast burritos and I don’t want to use the farm fresh for those. I’m in the Cincinnati area.