Cabbage Rolls this way is incredibly delicious! TOP🔝2 Simple, Easy and so delicious cabbage recipes
Cabbage Rolls this way is incredibly delicious! TOP🔝2 Simple, Easy and so delicious cabbage recipes! Lee’s Recipes
Hello everyone, welcome to the next video on Lee’s Recipes channel. Today I will share with you how to make cabbage rolls! I have never eaten such delicious cabbage. This is a simple cabbage recipe, easy to make and delicious. Everyone in the family loves this cabbage dish. Simple ingredients, easy to prepare. Try this recipe for your loved ones. You can make this cabbage roll dish every day and not get tired of it. Wishing you success and deliciousness with this cabbage roll dish.
Thank you for your time.
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00:00 Cabbage Recipe 1:
Cabbage 270g
Carrot 150g
Green onion 30g
1 Pack of instant noodles
Boiling water
After 2 minutes
Black pepper 1/6tsp
Salt 1/5tsp
Seasoning powder 1/3tsp
Eggs 2
Rice paper
Cooking oil
Fry for 8 minutes
06:14 Cabbage Recipe 2:
Cabbage 6 leaves
Boil for 2 minutes
Chicken breast 250g
Onion 30g
Mushroom 20g
Carrots 40g
Pepper 1/6tsp
Seasoning powder 1/2 tsp
Salt 1/4tsp
Steam for 10 minutes
#cabbage #cabbagerecipes #egg #eggrecipes #eggcabbagerecipes
#leesrecipes #lee’srecipes
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Que delicia ! Vou fazer! Parabéns .Amei
São Paulo Brasil
Eu vou fazer,mas não irei fritar esim cozinhar no vapor.
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