Plats Végétariens et Vegans MOSCOW MULE MOCKTAIL**** #mocktails #recetassaludables #vegetarian #christmasrecipe #holidaydrinks Judie December 23, 2024 source
Mula de Moscu/ Moscow Mule Mocktail
Lemon Ginger Syrup:
1 1/2 tazas de gengibre picado
4 tazas agua filtrada
1/2 taza jugo de limón recien esprimido
1/3 taza miel o al gusto
Servirlo con:
Agua con gas
Hojas de menta y tajadas de limón para decorar
Disfruten! 😋
Refrescante, perfecto para toda ocasión.
I love how creative and innovative vegan mocktails can be, and this Moscow Mule looks like a refreshing twist on a classic! The ginger adds such a wonderful depth of flavor – Im excited to try out this recipe with some vegan-friendly alternatives!
For everyone