Nopal Cactus Smoothie Natural Colon Cleanse & Constipation remedy.
Mexican Nopal Cactus Smoothie. Natural Colon Cleanse & Constipation remedy. For constipation and to lower sugar levels.
Drink with an empty stomach before breakfast.
Take 2 to 3 times per week.
List of Ingredients and extra information
En español
Thank you❤
Hello, I came across your channel and I like lot of the things I see but I was just wondering with your Nepali smoothie can you use 2 cups of orange juice instead of 2 cups of water thank you
Didn't you need lemons ?
This cured my diabetes
What does the juice taste like? Can you taste the nopal?
Love this will start today ❤
New Subscriber Thanks for sharing!
Please explain something. When people have diabetes one of the fruits most doctor say not to take is pineaple.. which glicemix index runs from 66 up to 88 .. how can this juice be good for people with diabetes ?? I'm very curious. Thank you fo.responding
Hi how do you remove the thorns? Do you not peel the nopale?
is this slimy as a drink?
Difícil de entender
You are doing a good work🙏🏽 now how do we cook this wonderful cactus and
What would go good with it to make a complete meal 1:37
Do you boil your nopoles first?
Thank you for that you do. Because of diabetes, I tend to use less fruit and make more savory smoothies. I will add nopoles to my green smoothies.
That is packed with antibiotics, helps against enlarged prostate and has good amounts of calcium.
Good 👍
Hello….. I found at the store, nopal flour. Can it be used for a smoothie as well or what recipes would you suggest using the nopal flour on? I have looked and can't seem to find any
What is a nopal leaf with no spice? What does that mean?
Great job and thank you so much
Is this like a diet smoothie was asking cause that's what I'm looking for with the nopal cause I drink one now made the same way only with papaya and I was looking for one with the nopal.