March 7, 2025
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  • Vegan❤

  • Genius. Watching you prep food makes me so happy : )

  • background music makes me wanna journey west and start a homestead

  • So creative!! Great job!

  • You're so pretty my goal is to look after myself to look as good as healthy as you. Gonna try the recipe

  • I actually love the idea and I’m coincidentally making my own version of a Vegan Burger today, bcuz the ones I’ve tried had no taste.

  • ☝🏿 how to drain any remaining joy from your life

  • 😂😂 That was clever making the patty stay together

  • I’m not a fan of eggplant, but this actually looks very appealing. I think I’ll give it a try

  • It’s weird to me that vegans will pretend to eat an animal. 🤷‍♀️

  • This creative but it’s still a hard pass for me 😂🩵

  • Baby girl, you come up with the best ideas. Thanks

  • no thank you😭 i’ll stick to actual burgers

  • I just use a giant fried portobello and GF bun.

  • What is in that "flavor" mix??? Someone?

  • Where are your musical accompaniments from? Love them

  • Just finished making lunch….”trying to make myself dinner 😂. Classic vegans

  • Gorgeous

  • I like black bean burger.

  • Delicious! And so creative!!😋

  • I absolutely love you and what u do and ur very sweet. But as a nutritionist. Plz make sure ur getting lots of protein in SOME way, supplements or something. Nutrient Deficiencies is high in the vegan world. A vegan diet can lack important nutrients like vitamin B12, iron, zinc, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids etc.
    please make sure ur fully healthy. Ur too beautiful inside and out, to get sick.
    Watch for the symptoms as well. Each nutrient you lack in will show a specific symptoms usually. This goes for anyone who watched this girl as well. Being a vegan is not for someone who won’t or don’t learn about what you need in order to be healthy and stay alive for a long time. This is why babies can NOT be vegans, a baby would die if forced a vegan diet. It’s not meant for everyone. Please make sure ur subscribers know this. Can hurt a lot of young ppl thinking they can just switch to this diet without the proper knowledge.

  • If you suck sausage your not vegan

  • Yummy love eggplants ❤❤❤

  • What accent is this? She sounds like Betty Draper

  • You didn’t even take the bite🙄

  • You know what's delicious. An actual medium rare burger.

  • What are the ingredients used to flavor?

  • What did that Mixture consist of🤔. That was added to the Eggplant, rice, beans.

  • omg that looks so good

  • Bless her heart…

  • Why do Vegan toots smell way worse the normal people's?
    Is it the beans?
    Would vegans eat bugs?
    Alot of bugs are killed in gardening, but if a lifeforms is small enough they don't care, right?

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