How to easily build muscle vegetarian diet se 💪🚨 #shorts #shapeuppro
Namaste and welcome to the channel 😊
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My name is Saumil Sethi; I’m a fitness enthusiast/businessman residing in Gurgaon with my beloved partner. Throughout my brief journey in bodybuilding; I have been blessed to come in contact with some great individuals in the fitness industry; through whom I have been blessed to gather some valuable information. Through this channel I wish to share that information and learn from the viewers too.
I will also like to share that after my physical transformation; I have felt an increase in my motivation and confidence levels; so would highly encourage you to jump on the fitness bandwagaon; as we spend more time in this body then we do in our houses/cars etc all put together.
Warm regards
Man with a single pack abs
Saumil Sethi