March 17, 2025
Is Heather Threatened by Bronwyn? | RHOSLC Episode 7

Is Heather Threatened by Bronwyn? | RHOSLC Episode 7

It didn’t occur to me til right now that Heather Gay is totally threatened by Bronwyn! That’s why Heather is so offended by not being invited on Bronwyn’s trip! That’s why Heather wants everyone to think that Bronwyn is being shady! Duh Emily, how did I not think of that until right now lol

I will recap the RHOC finale on Sunday’s Wrap Up with Kendrick! You can tune in live at 10am PT on YouTube or you can catch the replay 🙂

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  • In regards to Bronwyns daughter. Jenny at Bravo and blaze and Lisa are letting themselves be used to create a story to protect bronwyns daughter’s grandparents. I tend to believe Bronwyn. All of the housewives make a huge deal out of “ do not bring my kids into this” this is the worst case of hurting a kid ever. It’s absolutely pathetic of Lisa , the grandparents and Jenny at bravo and blaze to lean into this. I don’t get the point because the only person they are hurting is Bronwyns daughter .

  • Doing a really good job with the impersonations!!!

  • Dana Wilkey just released a video where she says Meredith may have also been involved in the Alibaba info getting out fyi

  • One more thing, maybe you could some digging Ems bcuz idk if this is true or not…. but there's rumors going around that allegedly Bronwyn sent her daughter to one of those boarding schools like Paris Hilton and RHODubai Caroline StanBoring👀😬 I hope this is false tho🫤 Oh and that she's known about this show since it premiered bcuz she's been casting for it since season 1 so her acting differently is sus👀 Look not for nothing but Im very intuitive: there's something about her that Im unable to vibe & fall for the hype. Idk her personality seems performative to me🤷🏽‍♀️

  • Lisa needs to butt out of Bronwyn's daughter and the "grandparents". She has no right to be in that situation let alone act like their representative🤨 You could tell from the 1st convo between Bronwyn and her that Lisa was totally FOR the grandparents and their best interests😒 Honestly in that moment Bronwyn should've been clear with Lisa about no more future involvement/mediation from her. I believe Bronwyn not the "grandparents".

  • Ok, I am relatively new to your channel, but I am loving your content, and I am LOVING your impersonations! 😂🫶

  • Emily, you certainly talked about John and Lisa's fault AND Justin's aggressiveness. Idk why ppl are saying you didn't or taking the Barlows' side. 2 things can be true: John & Lisa were out of line but Justin indeed got too aggressive towards Lisa as well. Lisa shouldn't have brought Justin in, John was out of line the 2nd physical touch but in the 1st incident Justin was unnecessarily yelling & moving too aggressively at Lisa so John had every right to step in. Justin is def getting too involved with the housewife mess like the Jared scene, the Vida Tequila ish and comparing his reaction to a housewife's. Like gesh, tell us you looking for moments without actually telling us😂 I appreciate you calling out BOTH sides bcuz they all effed up. This is what made me sub to your channel.. Your fairness!! You are so good at seeing both sides! And Don't let others make you feel otherwise Ems!! Love ya🥰🫶🏽

  • Thank you Emily for pointing out Angie's hypocrisy/double standards and lack of owning up to the ish she says like Lisa's parenting . Ppl are too focused on Heather's messy self that Angie is getting a pass🙄

  • For some reason Whitney and Justin are more likeable than the Barlowe’s so even though John was right and Justin was wrong in their use of their man bodies… John looks like the jerk by default.
    Nobody can explain it 😅

  • Heather said done about the black eye in reference to the black guy she got from Jen and told nobody

  • I think it's quite rich for Lisa to go platform a rumor about whether or not Bronwyn has been lying to her daughter for her entire life after getting on our tvs and crying about Angie saying that she allows the video games to babysit her son. Especially since this is not first-hand knowledge. The people you got the information from have a vested interest in not looking like the villains of this narrative.

  • In my opinion, you don’t go up to my husband to talk trash. He will defend me. Lisa involved Justin so don’t be surprised he will take up for his wife. I don’t feel it was too much.

  • I hate the fact that Whitney is trying to make it seem like there’s marital problems with John and Lisa. That’s what I got from it. I don’t know though 🤷🏽‍♀️

  • I think with Heather, she is good at having someone think they can confide in her about something. Then she takes that information and uses it and steps back and watches the down fall

  • I’m over Heather. IMO Bronwyn invited Heather to her house, to ease the tension before the trip. I don’t think Heather came to her house with the intent to resolve. Heather for some reason seems like she wants to be the queen bee of the group. And she looks down on the newbies because she’s been there longer. She’s probably pissed because Bronwyn isn’t a pushover

  • I don’t think Lisa did anything wrong. I think Whitney wants Lisa to be the one.

  • Not gonna lie I was laughing the whole time he was pouring the drinks out and especially when he poured the liquor out. Honestly, I blame Lisa for walking up to Justin and bringing him into their argument.

  • I want to preface this with I’ve just started watching so I don’t have a dog in this fight but I do think what Angie and Heather did was slightly different if we believe Angie. From what I understand Angie went to Whitney because she wanted her to apologize/smooth things over with Lisa. Heather seemed to just want to start shit between Lisa and Angie. I think intent matters in this case but again that’s if we believe Angie. Honestly John gave me more of a ick than Justin and so did Lisa’s response afterwards. I don’t want to say this but it was such an overreaction it felt like he was overcompensating for something. I wonder if their relationship is a little rocky and he kinda overcompensated in a way. It’s just a vibe I have nothing concrete and Whitney 😮‍💨😮‍💨 I do not care for.

  • My new friend hello?!
    Where have you been all my life lol 😂

  • The way you do their voices is so funny and spot on. The cadence sounds exactly like them, and the Whitney one is fkn hilarious

  • Lisa involved Justin

  • Mary did observe that Heather had the snobbiness of a true Mormon!

  • Doesn't the Osmond guy remind you of a 70s game show host?

  • justin seems thirsty this episode.

  • Heather can take several seats. Bronwyn invited her over to resolve this petty little dispute before inviting her. If they’re not in a good place, why would Bronwyn invite her? Bronwyn was the bigger person, tried to squash it, but Heather’s superiority complex made sure that didn’t happen. Nobody has to sing for their supper, it’s basic human decency to resolve the situation before a trip Bronwyn is paying for. Ugh! Heather is the worst this season

  • Heather is so awful this season, she has been on a decline for years.

  • You described a mouth breather. Bad nose job? Can't breathe through schnoz is my guess on Whitney

  • I love a self aware Queen!!! You are awesome Emily!

  • Thank you for calling out Angie & Heather for doing exactly what they're accusing Lisa & Bronwyn of doing! 👏

  • Whitney said that she sources her products from 3rd party vendors, not Ali Baba. So, she IS white-labeling. And her 3rd party vendor may also sell on Ali Baba and use the same stock photos. If Ali Express is selling the same items, the markup must be outrageous. What Whitney is not addressing at all is the fact that she presented her jewelry as being HER inspiration.

  • But pls be FAIR lisa approached and charged on justin. Why u didn't said anything about it?

  • Heather acts like a jealous schoolgirl over Lisa like she’s her #1 friend -so thirsty & desperate

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