NUTRITION RICH SALAD || Chaat Lovers Unite:Roasted Peanuts,chana &Apple-PomegranateTwist#WeightLoss
Get ready for a flavorful and nutritious snack attack!
Join me as I share my secret recipe for the ultimate chaat:
Roasted Peanuts in Ghee
Boiled Chana (Chickpeas)
Mixed Veggies (Onions, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Carrots)
Crunchy Apple & Juicy Pomegranate
High Protein Snack
Rich in Fiber and Vitamins
Gluten-Free and Vegan-Friendly
Perfect for Weight Loss and Healthy Living
– 1 cup roasted peanuts in ghee
– 1 cup boiled chana
– 1 cup mixed veggies
– 1/2 cup diced apple
– 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
– Spices (cumin, coriander, chili powder)
– Lemon juice
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#ChaatRecipe #RoastedPeanuts #BoiledChana #HealthySnacks #VeganSnacks #GlutenFree #WeightLoss #ProteinRich #FiberRich #VeggieDelight
#Chaat #SnackRecipes#HealthyEating
#RoastedPeanuts#BoiledChana #AppleRecipes#PomegranateBenefits
#VeggieLoaded#ChaatRecipesWithFruits #RoastedPeanutSnacksForWeightLoss
#VeganChaatOptions#GlutenFreeSnackIdeas @AarviKitchenRecipes
Tasty 😋😋