January 15, 2025
❣️ Clean Arteries and Normalize High Blood Pressure with 7 Smoothies

❣️ Clean Arteries and Normalize High Blood Pressure with 7 Smoothies

❣️ 7 Smoothies Recipes to Clean Arteries and Normalize High Blood Pressure

Smoothies contain pulp and fiber of the fruits and vegetables and so they help you improve the performance of your digestive track for sure. However , today we will discuss a different useful feature of smoothies. Apart from weight loss, smoothies can also help you improve your heart health. When you consume too much fat and processed food, rich with salt and sugar, it gradually clogs your arteries, leaving little to no space for blood to pass through. Such built up of plaques leads to heart attack and strokes. Today in this video, we will discuss the recipes of some smoothies that are rich in fibers, anti-oxidants, omega-3 acids and these all naturally help you reduce cholesterol level and unclog your arteries.

Medical Data:

Our Other Unclog Arteries Remedies Video:

Top 4 Juices that Lower Bad Cholesterol, Clean Arteries Naturally and Prevent Heart Attack:

Top 9 Juices Clean Clogged Arteries, Lower High Blood Pressure and Prevent Heart Attack:

Can Just A Glass of this Juice Control High Blood Pressure, Lower Bad Cholesterol, Unclog arteries:

Only a Glass of This Juice will Remove Clogged Arteries And Control Blood Pressure:

#cholesterolcontrol #cleanarteries #highbloodpressure #arteriesandveins #dailylifestyle #hearthealth

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Please note: This video is created as part of an educational assignment on the basis of my knowledge gained from books and the internet and should be treated as such. Please do not treat it as medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.
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▪ Graphics: Vecteezy.com, Pixabay.com, Freepik.com, and Pngtree.com. Image(s) used under a free license


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  • Ive got high BP and cholesterol problems. Smoothies are great way to use fruits & veggies

  • Thank u done subscribe

  • Looks good

  • What no love for Dragon fruit, pineapple and banana?

  • Chia seeds shouldn’t be eaten raw. It should be soaked in water for few hours till it becomes like gel.

  • Good morning, All this sounds very healthy, I can get bored with certain eating habits very quickly, yet, all these various smoothies look delicious and they each have their own nutritional values and yes I agree, do not only have smoothies, but first thing in the morning would be great. I can imagine these drinks invigorating your your system and give you a boost for the day. You can fill if need be with some grains in moderation, like a tablespoon of mixed grains, and a light but nutritional dinner in the early evening. If possible, please give us a written recipe for the various smoothies, we can then just download and enjoy. Many thanks for sharing, eating and drinking is very important to our health, any thing to avoid medications. Kind regards.

  • Why not use the stems?…

  • Thank you!!! 👍. Now that’s advice I can live with. Well done!

  • good for health? but no mention of a healthy smoothie for type 1 diabetics ! most fruits contain high amounts of natural sugars

  • A bunch of ungrateful know it alls ! Use your own common sense people ! The recipes are good and healthy. You seem to have come on this video to be just plain nasty !

  • Oh ho it’s just what I needed. Seriously you must’ve gotten a vibe from Hawaii lol. Great information I am serious. I was looking for this everywhere on YouTube and there it was by accident. Going to be following these videos to do with the Health maestro. Great work, it would be also good if you could do one on Eyes. Many videos are done on cholesterol high blood pressure kidneys but I don’t see or haven’t seen any on Eyes which vegetables should be mixing with which vegetables in other words smoothies for eye improvement, that would be great. Lots of people have dry eyes, blurry vision,need a little help but again, thank you so much. And also the commentator was easy to understand spoke very clearly just at the right pace. Phenomenal video. aloha from Hawaii please continue to keep these healthy smoothies coming our way😅

  • Thanks i am going write these down trying to healthy thank you very for the imformation

  • This information is so outdated.
    Smoothies are not healthy. Oxalates are chopped into smaller pieces and cause major problems. Go do your research.

  • Why do you need to cut them up, the blender will do the work 🤣🤣

  • The healthier that smoothie is the healthier you’re going to be after you consuming that’s the key a lot of people are making smoothies now and they’re adding all kinds of crap in them that have no place sweeten condensed milk, whip cream, all kinds of stuff that we don’t need they’re making junk food be careful

  • Squash sweet potatoes and carrots boil them up mash and eat. Add a whisper of butter and maple syrup desired. Best squash medley you ever had.

  • Why are we removing the grape seeds?

  • Quercetin is also in apples

  • Thank you so so much for this video

  • Great video and great information

  • Thank you! ❤️💖🌹🌺🥰🥰

  • Many thanks for the helpful information you've provided.

  • For making smoothies out of carrots, Beets, yams we should cook them very soft and then do rest of the process steps.

  • I was confused with the recipes where some ingredients are missing in the video.
    For example, the first smoothie doesn't even include mint in the video, but it exists in the ingredients!

  • It must take 7 life times to get any tiny bit of results…Zero results here, after a whole year !!!

  • I heard you can still have high cholesterol even if you eat right genetics in my case but I'm still going to eat healthier even if I have to go on cholesterol medicine

  • What drink helped lower both of them?

  • Arteries do NOT get dirty, they get Inflamed from eating processed foods, mainly SUGAR,

  • I never allow my doubt to steal my chances of letting Dr Madida on YouTube help me and indeed he did not failed me and his medicine did not fail me either in healing my Human papillomavirus (HPV).

  • This is america use american measrements.

  • Thank you so much for this important information.

  • Do the chia seeds not require any soaking first since I know they absorb water

  • UNCLOG means take away plaque, cholestérol and chalc… really, they CLEAN it?Have you any scietifical evidence of reduction of atherome ?

  • Thanks for posting. I'm just a little confused about the Cabbage, Carrot and Parsley smoothie – you start by saying it's Cabbage (showing a picture of White Cabbage) as an ingredient, but then go on to say it's Kale, while showing a picture of Chard or Spinach being washed. Which one should I be using please?

  • Why don't u mentione how to lessen/rid off pesticides on these fruits/vegetables?!

  • Thank you, I'm making these..must pick up some jars to store…Blessings to you and yours!!!Yummmm

  • Dr said I have high blood pressure and pre diabetic and gave me medication I never took meds and started having smoothies in the morning and started working out 8 weeks later I went back to the Dr and said you lost 25 pounds and lowered you blood pressure and Suger you no longer need to take the meds I was oh ok 🤔🙃

  • Thanks for sharing 🥬🍉🍓🧄🍒🥑🥕🥭🍠🍍

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